March 6, 2023

It is FFA Week- Did you know that each American farmer produces food and fiber for 165 people annually, both in the U.S. and abroad.  FFA is sponsoring a coloring contest for High School and Middle School students.  Look on the high school website to print out the picture and turn it in to Mr. Graves by the end of the day on Tuesday.

High School students interested in working for City Rec or being a lifeguard this summer applications are in the High school office.

Prom meeting at 7:45am in Pazour’s room tomorrow.

  1. There will be a brief athlete meeting for varsity track TODAY in Mrs. Roland's room, C9 at 3:30.
  2. Open gym-style runs begin today after school.
  3. Official varsity track practice begins for most varsity athletes on March 13th. 
  4. Join our Miles in March Challenge!  Log your mileage in March for some Cub Gear. Prizes for 50, 75, and 100 miles logged starting March 1. See Mrs. or Mr. Roland for details, or watch the commons big screen. 

Yearbooks are on sale in Mr. Giuffre's room for $45

Seniors get your photos into Nate as soon as possible

Juniors: We will be going to Winner for a college fair next Monday, March 13th. We will leave from the high school at 9:15am. Bring a sack lunch or money to buy lunch.