March 8, 2023

Juniors: We will be going to Winner for a college fair next Monday, March 13th. We will leave from the high school at 9:15am. Bring a sack lunch or money to buy lunch.

There will be a Middle School Track meeting Monday at 11:15 during lunch. Mr. Donovan will call you out of the lunch room.

HOSA State meeting on Tuesday March 14 at 8:15am in the Chem room. You should be there to get info on the trip and competitions.

It is FFA week- Did you know Farmers will have to grow 70 percent more food than what is currently produced to feed the world’s growing population by 2050.  

Remember to print out a coloring contest sheet from the Live Feed on the CHS website, color it, and turn it in to Mr. Graves by the end of the day to win prizes.

Yearbooks are on sale in Mr. Giuffre's room for $45

Seniors get your photos into Nate as soon as possible