March 9, 2023
Juniors: We will be going to Winner for a college fair next Monday, March 13th. We will leave from the high school at 9:15am. Bring a sack lunch or money to buy lunch.
There will be a Middle School Track meeting Tuesday at 11:15 during lunch. Mr. Donovan will call you out of the lunch room.
Middle School Auditions for Dakota Players will be Sunday from 3pm-5pm at the OCC.
It is FFA Week- Did you know that one day’s production for a high-producing dairy cow yields 10.5 pounds of cheese.
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- FFA will be hosting a teacher appreciation lunch in the ag shop tomorrow for all staff. We are serving hamburgers, chips and a drink. If for some reason we do not have school tomorrow we will serve on Monday. Every staff member is welcome. Come check out the shop and enjoy a meal for all that you do for our FFA members.
- -Also, thank you to the pie eating volunteers today. It was very entertaining.
- Congrats to the winners of the FFA Coloring Contest. Each winner receives a movie pass with a pop and candy.
- 7th Grade- Hannah Shields
- 8th Grade- Silvy Houska
- Freshmen- Piper Blum
- Sophomores- Katie Lein
- Juniors- Titus Pickner
- Seniors- Sierra Gerard
HOSA State meeting on Tuesday March 14 at 8:15am in the Chem room. You should be there to get info on the trip and competitions.
Yearbooks are on sale in Mr. Giuffre's room for $45
Seniors get your photos into Nate as soon as possible