October 17, 2023
Picture retake day is Thursday, October 26th at the Elementary from 3:30pm-4:15pm
There will be High school Boys Basketball Open Gym at the armory, Tuesday the 17th and Thursday the 19th at 6:30am. All football boys must have a note from Rademacher in order to participate.
Any Middle School girl interested in girls' basketball there will be a meeting TODAY the 17th in the middle school commons at 3pm.
Middle School Wrestling will be having a meeting at 8:15 on Wednesday morning in Mr. Glaus' room.
There will be an Oral Interp meeting at 7:45 on Tuesday morning in Ms. Duffy's room.
FFA Members- If you didn't make it to the meeting on Monday night you need to come to the ag room and pick up your fruit sales packet.
There is a Blood Drive, Tuesday, October 17th at CHS. Students may sign up with any student council member or Pazour. Must be at least 16 to donate. You need a parental permission slip signed if you are 16 or 17. They are in the office.
Seniors will start Teen Mental Health First Aid training on Monday morning. Please see which group you will be in. The groups are posted outside the library windows, outside the office, and in Mr. Hilson and Mrs. Donovan’s classrooms.
Good luck to the varsity volleyball team in their triangular tonight against McLaughlin and Cheyenne Eagle Butte!