September 14, 2022

Juniors have concessions Friday night at the football game. Please sign up in the office for a time.

 Seniors- we will be going to Mitchell next Tuesday for the college fair, career expo and a tour of Mitchell Tech. All seniors are required to go. We will leave from the high school at 8:30.

.If you plan to take the ACT in Chamberlain on October 22nd, the deadline to register to avoid paying a late fee is Friday the 16th. To register you need to create an account at If you have free or reduced lunch, you can pick up a fee waiver in the office.

 HOSA’s September meeting is on Tuesday, the 20th at 6:30pm. Please RSVP for Pizza. Committee updates will be given. Harvest Festival Sign Ups in front of the Chem Room. Volunteers needed.

At 9:55 Marlo will call down Royalty, Class Attendants and Senior Athletes