
CHS/CMS is happy to announce after school Math tutoring/assistance on the following dates from 3:30 – 5pm:

October 17th (Room D6 - Juelfs)

October 24th (CHS – Room D4 - Longhenry)

October 26th (Room D1 - Pazour/ Room D6 - Juelfs)

November 2nd (CHS – Room D4 - Longhenry)

 If you can’t attend after school tutoring, we encourage you to utilize the new online tutoring program. If you’re a K-12 student that needs help with homework or a problem subject, free online tutoring is now available through the Dakota Dreams Online Tutoring Program. One-on-one tutoring sessions can help students with their homework, tackle specific trouble areas, and address broader educational concepts. To learn more and register, click the link:



CHS National Honor Society students may be willing to tutor during the school day. If interested in working with a tutor, please contact Chelsey.