October 20, 2022

HOSA meeting will be next Tuesday, Oct. 25th at 6:30pm in the Chem Room. Halloween Costume Party with Prizes! Event updates and competition overview for State Conference. Candles will be available for pick up

 Attention anyone in grades 7-12 who would like to participate in the upcoming competitive gymnastics season, practice will begin on Tuesday November 1st in the gymnastics room 3:30 - 5:45 with a parent meeting to follow at 6:00.  

You MUST have paperwork and a current physical before you are able to practice!

Talk to Sherri if you have any questions or concerns.  

 Scrubs camp for all high school students interested in health careers at Cedar Shore on Nov 16th. To register go to www.scrubscamps.sd.gov

 Can we please have any varsity cross country runner who is running at state this weekend to the high school commons.