February 8, 2023

Seniors- you will start the teen mental health first aid training next Tuesday morning during school. You should start receiving emails on your school email account about the training this week. You will be split into two groups and we will post the groups next week.

“Reminder, no middle school basketball practice tonight due to conferences!”

Entries for the state art competition are due between now and the 15th of February! If you were enrolled in an art class last semester or are currently enrolled, gather your quality pieces! See Mr. Thaler for more details. 

“Reminder, no middle school basketball practice tonight due to conferences!”

Juniors: If you need more Raffle tickets come to the office, Also remember to bring your sold tickets along with the money to the office….. Everything is due NO later than Monday

ACT is scheduled for April 5th at the High School. The deadline to sign up is Wednesday February 8th. The signup sheet is in the High School office, you CAN NOT sign up online, it must be done in the office.

Seniors- Don’t forget to look for new scholarships and check their deadlines!!