about 3 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
CC team
CHS Science students are trying to gather some research. Please complete the following short survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc3l0NTPPbBzSBKVhmIsOA-TisPiS-BV_lh6o1Pndbftq689A/viewform?usp=sf_link
about 3 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Chamberlain Middle School & Chamberlain High School Parent Teacher Conferences will be held virtually this year from 4:00-6:00 PM on Wednesday, February 9 and in person from 2:30-7:30 on Thursday, February 10. More information will be available in the near future.
about 3 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
CHS Science students are trying to gather some research. Please complete the following short survey: https://forms.gle/A3TppQc5bF6an9GF7
about 3 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Schedule on 1-14-2022 at CHS/CMS
about 3 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
2-Hour Late Start Schedule
Chamberlain High School Presents: “Paper or Plastic?”
about 3 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
“Paper or Plastic?”
CSD will have school on Monday, January 17th. This is a snow make up day from December 10th. #CubNation
about 3 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Is your family, organization or business interested in becoming a scholarship sponsor? Please reach out to CHS and we can get you some details. Seniors will be informed of all local scholarships available to them in mid-February! 605-234-4467 | chelsey.tyrell@k12.sd.us #CubNation
about 3 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
scholarship sponsor poster
1-11-2022… The wrestling dual vs Burke/Gregory tonight in Burke has been postponed.
about 3 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
1/8/2022 - There will be no fans in attendance in CEB due to COVID policies. Please cheer from home by clicking the link! Live stream link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnCgH3t6nc8zcmVOkFEGHlw Game Schedule: 4:00 CST – Girls JV 6:00 CST – Girls Varsity The boys will not be playing in Eagle Butte on 1/8/2022 #CubNation Go Cubs!
about 3 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Lady Cubs
At CHS we don’t typically send home a 1st semester report card. We will send home a report card with the student if you email Marlo (Marlo.Natwick@K12.SD.US) or call CHS at 234-4467. Student attendance and grades can be accessed by the parent/guardian online through our Infinite Campus program.
about 3 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
January 6th... 2-Hour Late Start Schedule
about 3 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
2-Hour Late Start Schedule
2-Hour Late Start Schedule on Wednesday
about 3 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
2-Hour Late Start Schedule
The Chamberlain School District will be two hours late today, Wednesday, January 5th 2021. There will be no morning PAWS.
about 3 years ago, Chamberlain School Distrct
Chamberlain High School- 2nd Semester Test
about 3 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Chamberlain High School- 2nd Semester Test
3rd Quarter starts on Tuesday
about 3 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
3rd Quarter starts on Tuesday
CHS Physic students teaching their classmates.
about 3 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Physics Class
Physic student
Physic studnets
CHS Physic students teaching their classmates.
about 3 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
Physic students
Physic students
Physic student
CHS Job/ Career Fair will be on March 3rd at Chamberlain High School
about 3 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
CHS Job-Career Fair
Congratulations to the following CHS seniors that took the National Career Readiness Test and earned a Platinum Certificate. The goal of earning a certificate is to help students demonstrate their current workplace skills while earning a national credential. 20% of the Seniors at CHS earned the Platinum Certificate 17% of the students in South Dakota earned the Platinum Certificate #WeAreCubNation Go Cubs!
about 3 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg