Gymnastics Live Stream
about 3 years ago, Nate Winter
CMS Students Caught Doing Right 12-17-21
about 3 years ago, Jesse Johnson
CMS Middle School Students Caught Doing Right!
12 Days of Christmas:Teacher Edition (Video)
about 3 years ago, Nate Winter
Middle School Washington DC Parent Meeting Thursday, December 16th - 6:00 via Livestream
about 3 years ago, Jesse Johnson
DC Info
Hey parents of our current 6-8 graders! Your student has the opportunity of a lifetime to go on a trip in 2023! The students will have the experience of a lifetime while going to Washington D.C., Gettysburg, and Mt. Vernon! Your student will be bringing home an invitational packet this Friday, so be sure to ask them about it!
over 3 years ago, Jesse Johnson
CMS Students Caught Doing Right!!!
over 3 years ago, Jesse Johnson
Caught Doing Right 12-2
CMS Students Caught Doing Right November 19th
over 3 years ago, Jesse Johnson
CMS Middle School Students Caught Doing Right!
CMS Students Caught Doing Right November 12th
over 3 years ago, Jesse Johnson
CMS Middle School Students Caught Doing Right!
3 CMS/CHS students were selected for South Dakota Junior High Honor Choir. They will learn music to perform at a concert in January in Sioux Falls. Almost 400 students auditioned for this choir. Congratulations! Pictured: Natalie Nelson (7th), Brynn Schaub (7th), Katie Lein (9th)
over 3 years ago, Jesse Johnson
South Dakota Honor Choir
"Please give a big congratulations to the following students for being selected to go to the Middle School Platte Festival on Tuesday, November 16th. For Band: Aine Graesser, Daphne Krogman, Madelyn Larsen, Toree Mosel, Evelyn Olson, Kali Randall, Brynn Schaub, Alexandra Schmiedt, Lucy Swanson, and Sage Woster For Choir: Daniyah Dakam, Danica Hora, Wheeler Lippert, Natalie Nelson, Josiah Vaad, and Anastasia Zelinski All students involved need to be at the school at 6:30am so we can leave at 6:45am. Nice concert clothes will be worn all day. There is a concert at 2:30pm in the Platte Armory (attached to the elementary school). You can take you student home with you after the concert but please find Ms. Willoughby or Ms. Schlenker to check them out. " Katie Schlenker
over 3 years ago, Jesse Johnson
Disregard the recent attendance message. We are converting to a new website. A mess up occurred, and it sent a message to a lot of people that their student was absent. Disregard the message.
over 3 years ago, Jeff Steckelberg
CMS Students Caught Doing Right 11-5-21!!!
over 3 years ago, Jesse Johnson
Caught Doing Right
We are looking forward to our JA in a Day event at Cedar Shore tomorrow! 7th Grade students will go to Cedar Shore for the day to explore personal finance, education, and career options based on their skills, interests, and values.
over 3 years ago, Jesse Johnson
The 6th grade is studying Mesopotamia. They learned how to write their initials on "clay tablets " just like the scribes did.
over 3 years ago, Jesse Johnson
cuneiform writing
cuneiform writing
cuneiform writing
cuneiform writing
CMS Students Caught Doing Right!
over 3 years ago, Jesse Johnson
CMS Middle School Students Caught Doing Right!
Today the 6th grade will participate in JA in a day at CMS. Thursday, November 4th the 7th grade will participate in JA in a day at Cedar Shore.
over 3 years ago, Jesse Johnson
JA in a Day 6th Grade today at CMS
CMS PBIS Reward "The Amazing Race" Champions and place winners
over 3 years ago, Jesse Johnson
Runner UP
Runner UP
Runner UP
CMS Students Caught Doing Right October 19th
over 3 years ago, Jesse Johnson
CMS Middle School Students Caught Doing Right!